[KPhotoAlbum] Feature request: Expand thumbnailview with images a bit older/newer than selected
Tobias Leupold
2018-02-24 16:48:50 UTC
Hi Benny!

A quite simple workaround for your use case would be to open the current image
with e. g. Gwenview via the context menu and navigate through the respective
folder with the external program.

I'm not sure if this could be easily implemented via KPA: I'm not sure if KPA
even knows the "neighbours" of a viewed file (specified by the directory
structure) if you don't select the images via the "Folder" criteria, and the
search result does not contain the respective files. It could be possible
though. Perhaps Johannes can say something about if we can and want to
implement such functionality. I personally never needed/missed this workflow.

But as always: Patches are always welcome :-)

Let's see. I hope I could at least help you a bit for now?

Cheers, Tobias
When viewing thumbnails matching a given criteria, and I find an
interesting image and would like to see the pictures before and/or after
that image, then it would be nice to a posibility to easily expand
selection to include 5/10/20 images before and/or after the selected one.
If searching for e.g. a portrait and find a good one - but would like to
see if there was another portrait which would do it better for my actual
purpose, but might not be included in the search, because it prior have
been marked bad.
... Good/bad is a bit of context senitive, and tagging might not be perfect.
If some pictures are tagged and others are not, then I make a search for
untagged images, but somtimes a need a hint from surrounding images that
have been tagged.
How do you handle this?
Is it implementable without too big effort?