Robert Krawitz
2017-05-29 23:31:01 UTC
If I run "deletet images not on disk", and then delete the files, I'm
not given the option (in all cases, at any rate) to "delete files" or
"move to trash" -- the only option I have is to remove them from the
database. That puts those filenames on the blocklist.
If I later create files with those names, I won't be able to read them
in without editing the index.xml file to unblock them. This doesn't
seem right to me, but I'm not sure how best to deal with this.
not given the option (in all cases, at any rate) to "delete files" or
"move to trash" -- the only option I have is to remove them from the
database. That puts those filenames on the blocklist.
If I later create files with those names, I won't be able to read them
in without editing the index.xml file to unblock them. This doesn't
seem right to me, but I'm not sure how best to deal with this.
Robert Krawitz <***>
*** MIT Engineers A Proud Tradition ***
Member of the League for Programming Freedom --
Project lead for Gutenprint --
"Linux doesn't dictate how I work, I dictate how Linux works."
--Eric Crampton
Robert Krawitz <***>
*** MIT Engineers A Proud Tradition ***
Member of the League for Programming Freedom --
Project lead for Gutenprint --
"Linux doesn't dictate how I work, I dictate how Linux works."
--Eric Crampton