[KPhotoAlbum] Wishlist (was Re: [kphotoalbum] [Bug 365873])
Tobias Leupold
2017-04-09 16:04:31 UTC
Hi Miroslav!

(I'm also addressing the KPA mailing list so that everyone interested can also

I'm not perfectly sure if I understand the problem right. You select some
range of images and videos and view them, and you first get the photos and the
videos at the end, right?

If so, probably, the only problem is that KPA doesn't know the correct date of
the video due to the lack of an EXIF header. You can set the correct date
manually via the annotation dialog. Then, the video should appear at the
correct place.

If I didn't grasp it, please tell me ;-)

Cheers, Tobias
- I wonder if it is possible to add a feature into kphotoalbum that
would enable it to play *both* photos and videos by the date/time taken.
For example, I use Sony's PMB software for importing, organizing, and
viewing photos and videos taken by Sony photo and video cameras. As
known, PMB is Windows-only software. Nevertheless, after importing
materials from the cameras, PMB plays them sorted by the date/time
taken, regardless of type (photo, video). However, when I point
kphotoalbum to the same PMB's directory (dual-boot comp), it plays
photos grouped together (sorted by date/time taken), and after that it
starts playing videos also grouped together (sorted by date/time taken).
But I do not prefer that. So I wonder if it would be possible to make it
playing all as in PMB. I also noticed that videos taken by Sony cameras
do not have timestamps as photos, but instead their file names
incorporate date/time taken, so I suppose that playing mechanism in
kphotoalbum should take this fact into account for playing the content.
Miroslav Skoric
Tobias Leupold
2017-04-11 17:39:04 UTC
As said, there are too many new stuff to get fixed manually :-) There
must be some better way.
where 20160929 means 2016 Sep 29, and 111640 means 11 am 16 min 40 sec
Well, it would not be hard to extract the date and set it automatically in
this case. Perhaps, we could introduce some option for this, like "For file
type .mpg, check if the filename matches /some_regular_expression/ and then
set the date according to this if the filename matches the scheme.

You want it to happen automagically, right?! Not some button in the annotation
dialog like "get the date from the filename" or so?

Probably not too hard to implement. If I'll ever have some spare hours again
(new house, the garden still to do, a toddler and a baby ;-), I'll try to
implement it.

After all not a bad idea!

Cheers, Tobias
