Robert Krawitz
2018-10-28 03:16:15 UTC
One thing that has long annoyed me is that the end date of a search is
not inclusive. So for example if you search with the same start and
end date, you don't get anything at all.
The fix, of course, is trivial; any objections if I push it?
diff --git a/AnnotationDialog/Dialog.cpp b/AnnotationDialog/Dialog.cpp
index e98e989d..b72c52bc 100644
--- a/AnnotationDialog/Dialog.cpp
+++ b/AnnotationDialog/Dialog.cpp
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ DB::ImageSearchInfo AnnotationDialog::Dialog::search( DB::ImageSearchInfo* searc
int ok = exec();
if ( ok == QDialog::Accepted ) {
const QDateTime start = m_startDate->date().isNull() ? QDateTime() : QDateTime(m_startDate->date());
- const QDateTime end = m_endDate->date().isNull() ? QDateTime() : QDateTime( m_endDate->date() );
+ const QDateTime end = m_endDate->date().isNull() ? QDateTime() : QDateTime( m_endDate->date() ).addDays(1).addMSecs(-1);
m_oldSearch = DB::ImageSearchInfo( DB::ImageDate( start, end ),
m_imageLabel->text(), m_description->toPlainText(),
(Incidentally, I note that searching on date is very will be
interesting to dig into that.)
not inclusive. So for example if you search with the same start and
end date, you don't get anything at all.
The fix, of course, is trivial; any objections if I push it?
diff --git a/AnnotationDialog/Dialog.cpp b/AnnotationDialog/Dialog.cpp
index e98e989d..b72c52bc 100644
--- a/AnnotationDialog/Dialog.cpp
+++ b/AnnotationDialog/Dialog.cpp
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ DB::ImageSearchInfo AnnotationDialog::Dialog::search( DB::ImageSearchInfo* searc
int ok = exec();
if ( ok == QDialog::Accepted ) {
const QDateTime start = m_startDate->date().isNull() ? QDateTime() : QDateTime(m_startDate->date());
- const QDateTime end = m_endDate->date().isNull() ? QDateTime() : QDateTime( m_endDate->date() );
+ const QDateTime end = m_endDate->date().isNull() ? QDateTime() : QDateTime( m_endDate->date() ).addDays(1).addMSecs(-1);
m_oldSearch = DB::ImageSearchInfo( DB::ImageDate( start, end ),
m_imageLabel->text(), m_description->toPlainText(),
(Incidentally, I note that searching on date is very will be
interesting to dig into that.)
Robert Krawitz <***>
*** MIT Engineers A Proud Tradition ***
Member of the League for Programming Freedom --
Project lead for Gutenprint --
"Linux doesn't dictate how I work, I dictate how Linux works."
--Eric Crampton
Robert Krawitz <***>
*** MIT Engineers A Proud Tradition ***
Member of the League for Programming Freedom --
Project lead for Gutenprint --
"Linux doesn't dictate how I work, I dictate how Linux works."
--Eric Crampton