[KPhotoAlbum] KPA 5.1 issue list
Martin Jost
2016-12-28 17:59:55 UTC

[haven't seen this mail on the list; second try with fixed
'from'-address; hopefully you now don#t get it twice...]

here are the open points, I see in KPA 5.1.
Let me know, in case I should open bug tickets for these for better

This is on openSuse 42.2, patched up to date. KPA 5.1 is compiled from
source tar-ball. There had been previous versions installed before, last
had been 5.0.1. (And as a try a state from GIT)

1. KPA 5.1 might crash after reading new images, if "ffmpeg" isn't
I just re-checked and had to add this "might".
KPA crashed reproducibly when it had to read a bigger bunch of photos
from my DSLR (24 MPixel). It had no problems, if "ffmpeg" was present.
Now I deinstalled ffmpeg and added another single 8 MPixel photo from my
mobile. But this time it didn't crash and read the new photo.
So there seem to be more aspects involved.
I'll do a cross-check on "my other" computers, as soon as I get in their
reach again.
Note that mplayer had been present all the time, but mplayer2 hasn't (No
longer available)

2. "Maintenance/Build thumbnails" doesn't seem to work
If I start this, the progress bar stays at 0 %, even if I leave it ~ 1
h. It also seems to me, that only the thumbnails are created, where I
scroll the view to.

3. Annotation dialog too high
The annotation dialog started out (much) too high.
Probably because of this new 'map' in it.
The buttons were pushed down below the visible space on the screen.
That happened on the laptop as well as on the much bigger PC displays.
This can be solved by editing sizes and contents and then save this.
But I guess for newbies, this is much too well hidden.

4. At least in one install, parts of the menu entries had been missing,
due to missing permissions on
(and sub dirs in the path)
Note that I build as a normal user, but install as 'root'.
At the same time my root account has a limited umask (077) set.
I guess the install process should give explicit permissions, instead of
relying on umask or the one already present on installed files.

5. Starting on the command line gives a hint/warning
gollum:> kphotoalbum
KXMLGUI file found at deprecated location
("/usr/local/share/kphotoalbum/kphotoalbumui.rc") -- please use
${KXMLGUI_INSTALL_DIR} to install this file instead.

6. "Settings birthdays" duplicates the year in the GUI
If I select in "Settings birthdays" a date e.g. 28. Dec. 2016, I get as
result in the left pane "28. Dec. 20162016".
The same happens, if I enter a date by hand.
This seems to be a presentation problem. If I look at index.xml I find e.g.:
<value value="Copyright" id="42" birthDate="2000-01-06"/>

7. Too many double clicks
In my system settings, I have configured KDE to use double clicks to
"open files and folders " (as the explanation says)
Now I have to also use double clicks e.g. to "enter" the different top
level items on the main screen. ("People", "Places", ...)
Even if I want to select an entry in "Settings/Birthdays" I need a
double click.
These turn to single clicks, if I change this KDE setting.
But because I want this "single click to just select", this is no good
The behaviour had been single clicks, irrespective of the settings in
previous versions. (I assume this is an effect of KDE4 <=> 5 and not a
conscious change in KPA itself)
Is there a way to change this ?



Now I need my usual "disclaimer":
This is no ranting on KPA - I like the program very much.
Thanks for all the effort spend on it !

And: I'll be out of reach of a usable internet until the second week in
Jan. So please give me time to answer on requests concerning this.
Tobias Leupold
2016-12-28 18:15:50 UTC
Hi all,

Thanks for all the feedback and esp. for the list! We will work on it asap
(Johannes is on vacation and I'm sick right now, so give us some days ;-)

Just some comments I can do without investigating it further:

For #1, I have no idea ...
Post by Martin Jost
2. "Maintenance/Build thumbnails" doesn't seem to work
If I start this, the progress bar stays at 0 %, even if I leave it ~ 1
h. It also seems to me, that only the thumbnails are created, where I
scroll the view to.
This function was addded to avoid the "just in time" thumbnail creation for
those wo don't want this. Should work, this is most probably a regression of
the Qt5/Kf5 port.
Post by Martin Jost
3. Annotation dialog too high
The annotation dialog started out (much) too high.
Probably because of this new 'map' in it.
The buttons were pushed down below the visible space on the screen.
That happened on the laptop as well as on the much bigger PC displays.
This can be solved by editing sizes and contents and then save this.
But I guess for newbies, this is much too well hidden.
Should not happen. The Annotation Dialog's geometry is a bit hard and we have
multiple unfixed issues or at least behavior we don't want there ... :-(
Post by Martin Jost
4. At least in one install, parts of the menu entries had been missing,
due to missing permissions on
(and sub dirs in the path)
Note that I build as a normal user, but install as 'root'.
At the same time my root account has a limited umask (077) set.
I guess the install process should give explicit permissions, instead of
relying on umask or the one already present on installed files.
Probably also a porting issue. Interestingly, no bug concerning this was filed
yet – I don't think anything about the install process was changed. But it's
Johannes who's the cmake expert.
Post by Martin Jost
5. Starting on the command line gives a hint/warning
gollum:> kphotoalbum
KXMLGUI file found at deprecated location
("/usr/local/share/kphotoalbum/kphotoalbumui.rc") -- please use
${KXMLGUI_INSTALL_DIR} to install this file instead.
This change should be no problem.
Post by Martin Jost
6. "Settings birthdays" duplicates the year in the GUI
If I select in "Settings birthdays" a date e.g. 28. Dec. 2016, I get as
result in the left pane "28. Dec. 20162016".
The same happens, if I enter a date by hand.
<value value="Copyright" id="42" birthDate="2000-01-06"/>
This is a regression. Exceptionally, I'm the right person to talk to regarding
this. I "fixed" that dialog recently, because it was fully dysfunctional and
could even crash KPA. Alas, the smart KDE date functions were removed and I
had to write kind-of-smart new ones (which seem to be not-so-smart after all
;-) I'll investigate this asap.
Post by Martin Jost
7. Too many double clicks
In my system settings, I have configured KDE to use double clicks to
"open files and folders " (as the explanation says)
Now I have to also use double clicks e.g. to "enter" the different top
level items on the main screen. ("People", "Places", ...)
Even if I want to select an entry in "Settings/Birthdays" I need a
double click.
These turn to single clicks, if I change this KDE setting.
But because I want this "single click to just select", this is no good
The behaviour had been single clicks, irrespective of the settings in
previous versions. (I assume this is an effect of KDE4 <=> 5 and not a
conscious change in KPA itself)
Is there a way to change this ?
Most probably, this is a porting problem. We did not change the behavior
Post by Martin Jost
This is no ranting on KPA - I like the program very much.
Thanks for all the effort spend on it !
You're welcome ;-)

Cheers, Tobias
Johannes Zarl-Zierl
2016-12-30 22:29:42 UTC
Post by Tobias Leupold
Post by Martin Jost
4. At least in one install, parts of the menu entries had been missing,
due to missing permissions on
(and sub dirs in the path)
Note that I build as a normal user, but install as 'root'.
At the same time my root account has a limited umask (077) set.
I guess the install process should give explicit permissions, instead of
relying on umask or the one already present on installed files.
Probably also a porting issue. Interestingly, no bug concerning this was
filed yet – I don't think anything about the install process was changed.
But it's Johannes who's the cmake expert.
There's not much that we can do w.r.t. permissions. CMake docs state:
"Files [...] are by default given permissions OWNER_WRITE, OWNER_READ,
GROUP_READ, and WORLD_READ if no PERMISSIONS argument is given."


That means that even if we set this explicitly, your umask will probably
interfere in the same way. Do you have the same problem with other cmake-based
Post by Tobias Leupold
Post by Martin Jost
5. Starting on the command line gives a hint/warning
gollum:> kphotoalbum
KXMLGUI file found at deprecated location
("/usr/local/share/kphotoalbum/kphotoalbumui.rc") -- please use
${KXMLGUI_INSTALL_DIR} to install this file instead.
Should be fixed in git master (518f0503). Can you please verify this?

Robert Krawitz
2016-12-30 22:57:49 UTC
Post by Tobias Leupold
Post by Martin Jost
4. At least in one install, parts of the menu entries had been missing,
due to missing permissions on
(and sub dirs in the path)
Note that I build as a normal user, but install as 'root'.
At the same time my root account has a limited umask (077) set.
I guess the install process should give explicit permissions, instead of
relying on umask or the one already present on installed files.
Probably also a porting issue. Interestingly, no bug concerning this was
filed yet – I don't think anything about the install process was changed.
But it's Johannes who's the cmake expert.
"Files [...] are by default given permissions OWNER_WRITE, OWNER_READ, GROUP_READ, and WORLD_READ if no PERMISSIONS argument is given."
That means that even if we set this explicitly, your umask will probably interfere in the same way. Do you have the same problem with other cmake-based installers?
kpa's doing the right thing. It shouldn't override your umask. For
all the installer knows, you *want* it to be accessible to very few
people. If you want it to be world accessible, set your umask to
something appropriate for that.

I remember 30 years ago the makefile for GNU Emacs copied the Lisp
files from the source directory into the installation directory,
forcibly giving world write access to everyone. This wasn't a
mistake; this was a deliberate decision to try to encourage a form of
software freedom where all users of the system were encouraged to play
around. I'm as pro free software as anyone, but this was just
absurd. The attitude toward security at the time was pretty lax, but
we sure weren't going to allow 1000 undergrads to edit the emacs lisp
files for everyone to their heart's content.

There are good reasons for package maintainers not to try to enforce
policies that are properly installation-dependent.
Robert Krawitz <***@alum.mit.edu>

*** MIT Engineers A Proud Tradition http://mitathletics.com ***
Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- http://ProgFree.org
Project lead for Gutenprint -- http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net

"Linux doesn't dictate how I work, I dictate how Linux works."
--Eric Crampton
Martin Jost
2017-01-15 14:28:28 UTC

[seems that didn't made it to the list - incorrect sender address used...]
Post by Johannes Zarl-Zierl
Post by Tobias Leupold
Post by Martin Jost
4. At least in one install, parts of the menu entries had been missing,
due to missing permissions on
(and sub dirs in the path)
Note that I build as a normal user, but install as 'root'.
At the same time my root account has a limited umask (077) set.
I guess the install process should give explicit permissions, instead of
relying on umask or the one already present on installed files.
Probably also a porting issue. Interestingly, no bug concerning this was
filed yet – I don't think anything about the install process was changed.
But it's Johannes who's the cmake expert.
"Files [...] are by default given permissions OWNER_WRITE, OWNER_READ,
GROUP_READ, and WORLD_READ if no PERMISSIONS argument is given."
That means that even if we set this explicitly, your umask will probably
interfere in the same way. Do you have the same problem with other cmake-based
You're right. My umask should win. After all I decided how I would like
to have the permissions limited.
If cmake (or install or whatever) would disregard, I would probably
complain about THIS. (Yes, seems I want to keep my cake and eat it...)

[Background: I'm a little bit uneasy, when it comes to these permissions
issues. This comes from "calibre" (an EBook management program). It
comes pre-compiled (mostly scripts anyway) and has an installer.
I had the bad experience, that installing it with my limiting umask set,
spoofed up my whole system. (Reinstalling with 'umask 0' fixed it
fortunately, but in the meantime I had been heavily cursing...)]


Martin Jost
2017-01-15 14:48:14 UTC

here is a new point 8. I have to admit, this is probably somewhat special...

For the persons I have a structure for families similar to this:

A name put together of the names of the parents and then "below" this a
entry for each single person.

Now I ran into this situation
I only had a single name entered, say
Henry X.

In the meantime "Henry" is married and has a child "Alvin".
So I would like to make "Henry" a "superclass" and add himself and Alvin

So I want something like
Henry X.
Alvin X.

What I did was:
1. Created 'Henry' below 'Persons'.
2. Made "Henry X." and "Alvin X." a sub-class of 'Henry', using
Settings/Configure Kphotoalbum
Tag groups

This way I ended up with all images from Henry, being tagged as both
Henry X. and Henry.
I cleaned this up by editing index.xml.
(One of the many times, where I REALLY like the fact that the KPA
database is just a XML file)

Is there a way to avoid this ? / A better way to do this restructuring ?
Is this just "working as defined" or do you consider this a bug ?

[Given the fact, that I don't need to do something like this that often,
I can life with it]


Johannes Zarl-Zierl
2017-01-15 17:06:14 UTC
Post by Martin Jost
Now I ran into this situation
I only had a single name entered, say
Henry X.
In the meantime "Henry" is married and has a child "Alvin".
So I would like to make "Henry" a "superclass" and add himself and Alvin
So I want something like
Henry X.
Alvin X.
1. Created 'Henry' below 'Persons'.
2. Made "Henry X." and "Alvin X." a sub-class of 'Henry', using
Settings/Configure Kphotoalbum
Tag groups
Post by Martin Jost
Is there a way to avoid this ? / A better way to do this restructuring ?
Is this just "working as defined" or do you consider this a bug ?
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly:
In step 1, did you tag the images as "Henry"? If so, having both tags is the
"correct" result.

I see the following alternatives:

a) Do everything in Settings|Configure KPhotoAlbum...|Tag groups:
a1. Right-Click on "People", add new group "Henry"
a2. Select the new group and check "Henry X." as a member

b) Do everything in the annotation dialog:
b1. Right-click on "Henry X." and choose Tag groups|Add this tag to a new tag
group..., name the new group "Henry"

Neither a) nor b) should affect the tags on individual images at all, but only
make "Henry X." a member of a new group "Henry".

Tobias Leupold
2017-01-15 18:27:22 UTC
Hi Martin!

I'm not completely sure if I understand what you did and what the problem is.
You have someone called "Henry", renamed this tag to "Henry X", created a new
tag named "Henry", defined as a tag group (or added it as a tag group directly
by the tag group dialog), and added "Henry X" to it, right?

Doing it this way, you should have all images tagged with "Henry" (before the
change) now tagged with "Henry X" (as you renamed it) and a new "Henry" tag
group no image is tagged with yet.

Or am I wrong? If so, could you please describe again what you did, and which
behavior you expected?

Cheers, Tobias
Post by Martin Jost
So I want something like
Henry X.
Alvin X.
1. Created 'Henry' below 'Persons'.
2. Made "Henry X." and "Alvin X." a sub-class of 'Henry', using
Settings/Configure Kphotoalbum
Tag groups
This way I ended up with all images from Henry, being tagged as both
Henry X. and Henry.
Tobias Leupold
2017-01-15 18:30:40 UTC
Oh, I just saw that Johannes already replied to your mail. At least, he's also
not sure if he understands the case correctly ;-)

I'm sure we will solve this however.

Andreas Schleth
2016-12-28 18:21:45 UTC
Hi Martin,
see my (3) comments inside your post.
regards, Andreas
Post by Martin Jost
[haven't seen this mail on the list; second try with fixed
'from'-address; hopefully you now don#t get it twice...]
here are the open points, I see in KPA 5.1.
Let me know, in case I should open bug tickets for these for better
This is on openSuse 42.2, patched up to date. KPA 5.1 is compiled from
source tar-ball. There had been previous versions installed before, last
had been 5.0.1. (And as a try a state from GIT)
1. KPA 5.1 might crash after reading new images, if "ffmpeg" isn't
I just re-checked and had to add this "might".
KPA crashed reproducibly when it had to read a bigger bunch of photos
from my DSLR (24 MPixel). It had no problems, if "ffmpeg" was present.
Now I deinstalled ffmpeg and added another single 8 MPixel photo from my
mobile. But this time it didn't crash and read the new photo.
So there seem to be more aspects involved.
I'll do a cross-check on "my other" computers, as soon as I get in their
reach again.
Note that mplayer had been present all the time, but mplayer2 hasn't (No
longer available)
2. "Maintenance/Build thumbnails" doesn't seem to work
If I start this, the progress bar stays at 0 %, even if I leave it ~ 1
h. It also seems to me, that only the thumbnails are created, where I
scroll the view to.
==> have a look at .thumbnails in the root directory of your image
folder: permissions? When building thumbnails, do the files here change
I watched a similar behaviour of the progress bar, but after a (longish)
while away from the desk, all thumbnails were built. So, just the
progress bar might be broken...
Post by Martin Jost
3. Annotation dialog too high
The annotation dialog started out (much) too high.
Probably because of this new 'map' in it.
The buttons were pushed down below the visible space on the screen.
That happened on the laptop as well as on the much bigger PC displays.
This can be solved by editing sizes and contents and then save this.
But I guess for newbies, this is much too well hidden.
==> This should become a bug: Tobias and I have similar problems.
Post by Martin Jost
4. At least in one install, parts of the menu entries had been missing,
due to missing permissions on
(and sub dirs in the path)
Note that I build as a normal user, but install as 'root'.
At the same time my root account has a limited umask (077) set.
I guess the install process should give explicit permissions, instead of
relying on umask or the one already present on installed files.
==> This was the case in one of the git-master versions, but afaik this
has been fixed in 5.1
Post by Martin Jost
5. Starting on the command line gives a hint/warning
gollum:> kphotoalbum
KXMLGUI file found at deprecated location
("/usr/local/share/kphotoalbum/kphotoalbumui.rc") -- please use
${KXMLGUI_INSTALL_DIR} to install this file instead.
6. "Settings birthdays" duplicates the year in the GUI
If I select in "Settings birthdays" a date e.g. 28. Dec. 2016, I get as
result in the left pane "28. Dec. 20162016".
The same happens, if I enter a date by hand.
<value value="Copyright" id="42" birthDate="2000-01-06"/>
7. Too many double clicks
In my system settings, I have configured KDE to use double clicks to
"open files and folders " (as the explanation says)
Now I have to also use double clicks e.g. to "enter" the different top
level items on the main screen. ("People", "Places", ...)
Even if I want to select an entry in "Settings/Birthdays" I need a
double click.
These turn to single clicks, if I change this KDE setting.
But because I want this "single click to just select", this is no good
The behaviour had been single clicks, irrespective of the settings in
previous versions. (I assume this is an effect of KDE4 <=> 5 and not a
conscious change in KPA itself)
Is there a way to change this ?
This is no ranting on KPA - I like the program very much.
Thanks for all the effort spend on it !
And: I'll be out of reach of a usable internet until the second week in
Jan. So please give me time to answer on requests concerning this.
KPhotoAlbum mailing list
Martin Jost
2016-12-28 21:22:50 UTC
Post by Andreas Schleth
Post by Martin Jost
2. "Maintenance/Build thumbnails" doesn't seem to work
If I start this, the progress bar stays at 0 %, even if I leave it ~ 1
h. It also seems to me, that only the thumbnails are created, where I
scroll the view to.
==> have a look at .thumbnails in the root directory of your image
folder: permissions? When building thumbnails, do the files here change
I watched a similar behaviour of the progress bar, but after a (longish)
while away from the desk, all thumbnails were built. So, just the
progress bar might be broken...
I rechecked:
1. The files (and dir) had been owned by me.
The dir had ben rwx------; the files -rw------, EXCEPT thumbnailindex
which had been rw-rw-r--
2. I deleted all the files and started it again
The progress bar stayed at 0 % for all the time, even when I couldn't
see any filesize change any more
When I looked at the photos in the views, it seemed all thumbnails
had been present now.
3. So it seems it is just the progress bar (maybe with some hickup in
the filecontent before I deleted it and started over)
4. Yes, this is a regression; this used to work before.


Johannes Zarl-Zierl
2016-12-30 20:51:39 UTC
Hi Martin,

[Disclaimer: I'm slowly wading through my email backlog, please be patient]
Post by Martin Jost
1. KPA 5.1 might crash after reading new images, if "ffmpeg" isn't
I just re-checked and had to add this "might".
KPA crashed reproducibly when it had to read a bigger bunch of photos
from my DSLR (24 MPixel). It had no problems, if "ffmpeg" was present.
This seems strange if you only imported photos. ffmpeg/mplayer is only ever
used when dealing with videos.
Post by Martin Jost
Note that mplayer had been present all the time, but mplayer2 hasn't (No
longer available)
Trivia: MPlayer2 being discontinued is the reason I finally got around to
implement ffmpeg support.
Post by Martin Jost
2. "Maintenance/Build thumbnails" doesn't seem to work
If I start this, the progress bar stays at 0 %, even if I leave it ~ 1
h. It also seems to me, that only the thumbnails are created, where I
scroll the view to.
Thanks for the report - fixed in git master (ec957657).
Post by Martin Jost
3. Annotation dialog too high
The annotation dialog started out (much) too high.
Probably because of this new 'map' in it.
The buttons were pushed down below the visible space on the screen.
That happened on the laptop as well as on the much bigger PC displays.
This can be solved by editing sizes and contents and then save this.
But I guess for newbies, this is much too well hidden.
Yes, we should fixed this...
Post by Martin Jost
4. At least in one install, parts of the menu entries had been missing,
due to missing permissions on
(and sub dirs in the path)
Note that I build as a normal user, but install as 'root'.
At the same time my root account has a limited umask (077) set.
I guess the install process should give explicit permissions, instead of
relying on umask or the one already present on installed files.
5. Starting on the command line gives a hint/warning
gollum:> kphotoalbum
KXMLGUI file found at deprecated location
("/usr/local/share/kphotoalbum/kphotoalbumui.rc") -- please use
${KXMLGUI_INSTALL_DIR} to install this file instead.
I'll look into these two...
Post by Martin Jost
6. "Settings birthdays" duplicates the year in the GUI
If I select in "Settings birthdays" a date e.g. 28. Dec. 2016, I get as
result in the left pane "28. Dec. 20162016".
The same happens, if I enter a date by hand.
<value value="Copyright" id="42" birthDate="2000-01-06"/>
AFAIK Tobias is already looking into this...
Post by Martin Jost
7. Too many double clicks
In my system settings, I have configured KDE to use double clicks to
"open files and folders " (as the explanation says)
Now I have to also use double clicks e.g. to "enter" the different top
level items on the main screen. ("People", "Places", ...)
Even if I want to select an entry in "Settings/Birthdays" I need a
double click.
These turn to single clicks, if I change this KDE setting.
But because I want this "single click to just select", this is no good
The behaviour had been single clicks, irrespective of the settings in
previous versions. (I assume this is an effect of KDE4 <=> 5 and not a
conscious change in KPA itself)
Is there a way to change this ?
Interesting. We should fix this, even though I don't have any idea yet what's
causing this. Please file a bug report to track this...
Post by Martin Jost
And: I'll be out of reach of a usable internet until the second week in
Jan. So please give me time to answer on requests concerning this.
Great - I hope I'll have caught up with my backlog of emails by then ;-)

Tobias Leupold
2016-12-30 21:02:59 UTC
Post by Martin Jost
6. "Settings birthdays" duplicates the year in the GUI
If I select in "Settings birthdays" a date e.g. 28. Dec. 2016, I get as
result in the left pane "28. Dec. 20162016".
The same happens, if I enter a date by hand.
<value value="Copyright" id="42" birthDate="2000-01-06"/>
Could you please check if commit db9e5f35cc90ee10ecb512e8a376b3f4084eba7f
fixes this? I can't reproduce it, but I think I know where this is coming
