[KPhotoAlbum] One more patch -- correct merge and is-sorted logic
Robert Krawitz
2018-05-12 03:01:03 UTC
My final patch of the day, and probably the least controversial. The
sort code in ImageInfoList.cpp uses <date,filename> as the sort key,
but the isSorted() and merge code only looks at the date. This
resulted in my index.xml file having lost sort order over time.
Robert Krawitz <***@alum.mit.edu>

*** MIT Engineers A Proud Tradition http://mitathletics.com ***
Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- http://ProgFree.org
Project lead for Gutenprint -- http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net

"Linux doesn't dictate how I work, I dictate how Linux works."
--Eric Crampton
Tobias Leupold
2018-05-12 07:55:02 UTC
Hi Robert!

You're still not a KDE dev with write access to the KPA repositories, are
you?! ;-) I'll have a look at all this asap (though Johannes most probably
will be the better person to review this ...).

Thanks for all the work!

Cheers, Tobias
Post by Robert Krawitz
My final patch of the day, and probably the least controversial. The
sort code in ImageInfoList.cpp uses <date,filename> as the sort key,
but the isSorted() and merge code only looks at the date. This
resulted in my index.xml file having lost sort order over time.
Robert Krawitz
2018-05-12 14:52:56 UTC
Post by Tobias Leupold
Hi Robert!
You're still not a KDE dev with write access to the KPA repositories, are you?! ;-) I'll have a look at all this asap (though Johannes most probably will be the better person to review this ...).
Thanks for all the work!
Remind me what I need to do? I'm submitting enough patches that it
would probably be worthwhile.
Post by Tobias Leupold
Post by Robert Krawitz
My final patch of the day, and probably the least controversial. The
sort code in ImageInfoList.cpp uses <date,filename> as the sort key,
but the isSorted() and merge code only looks at the date. This
resulted in my index.xml file having lost sort order over time.
Robert Krawitz <***@alum.mit.edu>

*** MIT Engineers A Proud Tradition http://mitathletics.com ***
Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- http://ProgFree.org
Project lead for Gutenprint -- http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net

"Linux doesn't dictate how I work, I dictate how Linux works."
--Eric Crampton
Johannes Zarl-Zierl
2018-05-18 20:44:27 UTC
Looks good to me. Merged into git master.
Post by Robert Krawitz
My final patch of the day, and probably the least controversial. The
sort code in ImageInfoList.cpp uses <date,filename> as the sort key,
but the isSorted() and merge code only looks at the date. This
resulted in my index.xml file having lost sort order over time.