Benny Simonsen
2017-02-26 13:55:45 UTC
First of all, Thank you for a great product!
*Maintaince -> Statistics*
In the Maintaince -> Statistics menu there is a text:
"I am not really sire if this is work fixing that bug (as it is pretty hard
to fix), so maybe the dialog will simply go away again"
Pleace don't remove the statistics, they are nice to have, and I think that
it's fair that images with multiple (more acurate) locations are fair if
each of them are counted.
*Help -> KPhotoAlbum Feature Status - Playground*
In Help -> KPhotoAlbum Feature Status menu it would be nice that features
that require cmake -DENABLE_PLAYGROUND=ON ... was marked in some way.
This would also be nice to know that it is an experimential feature when
installing KPA from binary/package.
The information is in the building instructions at, but only in Full
instructions, not in the summary.
*5.x branch*
The 5.x branch are behind 5.2 - seems as it should be deleted.
Thank you for KPhotoAlbum.
First of all, Thank you for a great product!
*Maintaince -> Statistics*
In the Maintaince -> Statistics menu there is a text:
"I am not really sire if this is work fixing that bug (as it is pretty hard
to fix), so maybe the dialog will simply go away again"
Pleace don't remove the statistics, they are nice to have, and I think that
it's fair that images with multiple (more acurate) locations are fair if
each of them are counted.
*Help -> KPhotoAlbum Feature Status - Playground*
In Help -> KPhotoAlbum Feature Status menu it would be nice that features
that require cmake -DENABLE_PLAYGROUND=ON ... was marked in some way.
This would also be nice to know that it is an experimential feature when
installing KPA from binary/package.
The information is in the building instructions at, but only in Full
instructions, not in the summary.
*5.x branch*
The 5.x branch are behind 5.2 - seems as it should be deleted.
Thank you for KPhotoAlbum.