Hi Andreas,
I've noticed another small issue in your code:
You use QString::split() and work around possible empty fields. There's also
the SplitBehavior parameter [1].
[1] https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstring.html#SplitBehavior-enum
Also, I've taken a closer look at the problem you're trying to solve (sorry
for not doing so earlier, but taking a quick look at the formalities of a
patch takes quite a lot less time than really understanding it *g*).
For the length extraction, you replace:
ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=duration -of
default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 [filename]
ffprobe -hide_banner [filename]
plus some text parsing.
I've got two issues with this:
1. Parsing text in the default format of ffprobe is likely to break some time
in the future. Setting the output format explicitly should reduce the likely-
hood of that happening.
2. Maybe it's enough to use the container duration instead of the stream
ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of
default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 [filename]
It works for the "surf_video.flv" error clip that you provided earlier. If it
works for all your clips, we can stick with the simple parsing we had earlier.
Post by Andreas SchlethPost by Johannes Zarl-Zierl2. Disabled code
Before merging, I'd like to reduce the amount of code that is commented
out. Comments in the manner "we did it this way, now we changed to this
and that for this reason" are good, though.
Done - there were a few remains of markShort ...
Post by Andreas SchlethPost by Johannes Zarl-Zierl3. qDebug()
In newer KPA code, we usually define a file-local debug macro (see e.g.
If the qDebug() is actually meant for production code, it should probably
be a qWarning().
1 dDebug exchanged for qWarning. I'd like to keep the commented out
qDebugs in if I encounter some more strange or broken videos
Better than commenting them out is the following:
1. Add (I've done this already in git master):
# define Debug qDebug
# define Debug if(0) qDebug
2. Use "Debug()" instead of "qDebug()"
→ The advantage is reduced bit-rot. E.g. if somebody renames a variable using
standard refactoring tools, active code is changed accordingly, but comments
are not.
Post by Andreas SchlethJohannes, please feel free to improve on my patchy programming skills
and change the patch as needed.
I know a bit about algorithms and such, but unfortunately nearly nothing
about C++. All I did, was some imitation of existing code and guessing
my way around.
As the saying goes:
Fix a patch for somebody and he will code for a day. Teach a man how to fix a
patch and his patches will be plentiful for evermore... ;-)
I've again run out of KPA time. I'll try to dedicate a little bit more dev-
time on KPA in the (hopefully) near future.
P.S.: @Robert: If you are reading this: I've not forgotten your patchset, I
simply had no time to look further into it :|