[KPhotoAlbum] Category localization removal
Tobias Leupold
2015-12-15 21:10:54 UTC
Hi list!

Johannes and I decided to remove the translatable names for the "standard"
categories, because they caused a lot problems, and some of them simply can't
be solved if the user switches Locales (as we know now after a lot of

This means that we had to remove and change some entrenched KPA structures
(dual storage of C locale and translated names, name() and text() distinction
and so on). Very likely, we have some regressions.

Would everybody be so kind to check the current git master for working fine
both with new and existing databases (have a backup ;-)? Also please check the
categories settings dialog.

Any testing would be greatly appreciated :-)

Cheers, Tobias
Andreas Neustifter
2015-12-15 22:37:12 UTC

it seems to work fine, but only did really shallow testing. (Renaming
category, browsing XML.)

On comment on the UI: I HATE modal dialogs. (No offfence, you couldn't have
known but since I have the possibility to infuence some of them I will try

Its okay to show the first-time message explaining whats going on, but also
this might be better done in a tooltip above the status bar.

The message after finishing the rename is
- confusing, even I don't know what you mean.
- unnecessarily technical.
- useless.

I would propose the following UI:
- when the DB is in a saved state:
- when the renaming is started add (show) two buttons in the category
pane called "cancel" and "rename and save DB", everything but clicking
rename and save cancels the rename. this makes clear whats going on without
the need for a modal dialog.
- when the DB is not saved:
- disable the rename button (grey it out) and add a small text label
below the buttons that tells the user to save the DB to enable the renaming.

- gets rid of the modal dialog.
- forces the user to save the DB before renaming (so he can decide if and
when he want's to save, rename.
- provides a clear procedure after the renaming is done what has to be done
to make it effective in a safe way.

I sincerely hope I was understandable (and not rude), if not please feel
free to comment!

Post by Tobias Leupold
Hi list!
Johannes and I decided to remove the translatable names for the "standard"
categories, because they caused a lot problems, and some of them simply can't
be solved if the user switches Locales (as we know now after a lot of
This means that we had to remove and change some entrenched KPA structures
(dual storage of C locale and translated names, name() and text() distinction
and so on). Very likely, we have some regressions.
Would everybody be so kind to check the current git master for working fine
both with new and existing databases (have a backup ;-)? Also please check the
categories settings dialog.
Any testing would be greatly appreciated :-)
Cheers, Tobias
KPhotoAlbum mailing list
Tobias Leupold
2015-12-16 06:37:37 UTC
Hi Andreas!

I also think it would be much better to do it in the way (or a similar one)
you described. But – in our defense – this is how KPA has been doing it at
least since I use it. Nothing was changed here!

This is probably something for the Christmas holidays, actually that always
annoyed me. Perhaps, it can be changed to something more convenient.

But it's fine you didn't find something like "now, all my category thumbnails
are gone" or so (we had that ;-) Thanks for the testing!

Cheers, Tobias
Post by Andreas Neustifter
it seems to work fine, but only did really shallow testing. (Renaming
category, browsing XML.)
On comment on the UI: I HATE modal dialogs. (No offfence, you couldn't have
known but since I have the possibility to infuence some of them I will try
Its okay to show the first-time message explaining whats going on, but also
this might be better done in a tooltip above the status bar.
The message after finishing the rename is
- confusing, even I don't know what you mean.
- unnecessarily technical.
- useless.
- when the renaming is started add (show) two buttons in the category
pane called "cancel" and "rename and save DB", everything but clicking
rename and save cancels the rename. this makes clear whats going on without
the need for a modal dialog.
- disable the rename button (grey it out) and add a small text label
below the buttons that tells the user to save the DB to enable the renaming.
- gets rid of the modal dialog.
- forces the user to save the DB before renaming (so he can decide if and
when he want's to save, rename.
- provides a clear procedure after the renaming is done what has to be done
to make it effective in a safe way.
I sincerely hope I was understandable (and not rude), if not please feel
free to comment!
Andreas Neustifter
2015-12-16 20:10:28 UTC
Post by Tobias Leupold
Hi Andreas!
I also think it would be much better to do it in the way (or a similar one)
you described. But – in our defense – this is how KPA has been doing it at
least since I use it. Nothing was changed here!
I guess your referring to the modal dialogs? No need to defend yourself! I
haven't seen that many in KPA, but I was quite late to the game, everything
settled down then.
Post by Tobias Leupold
This is probably something for the Christmas holidays, actually that always
annoyed me. Perhaps, it can be changed to something more convenient.
And I for sure acknowledge that not using modal dialogs is WAY harder and
merging their intent into a UI is much work. But I think all users of KPA
would benefit from it, thats the gist of my feedback.
Post by Tobias Leupold
But it's fine you didn't find something like "now, all my category thumbnails
are gone" or so (we had that ;-) Thanks for the testing!
I admit that I didn't check category thumbnails since I have none :)

Tobias Leupold
2016-01-09 15:08:10 UTC
Hi :-)
Post by Andreas Neustifter
On comment on the UI: I HATE modal dialogs. (No offfence, you couldn't have
known but since I have the possibility to infuence some of them I will try
The message after finishing the rename is
- confusing, even I don't know what you mean.
- unnecessarily technical.
- useless.
I just worked a bit on the GUI. I removed the modal dialog telling the user to
save the database after a category has been renamed. Instead you simply can't
change a category name if the database is not in a saved state and if a name
is changed, the database is saved automatically.

Do you think this approach is better? If you want to have a look at it,
checkout the category_settings_db_autosave branch.

All review and suggested improvements are welcome!

Cheers, Tobias
